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Over 400 Pounds of Marine Debris Removed During June Quarterly Cleanup

Even without school groups and the date change we had 72 volunteers join
our cleanup on June 8, plus 6 Friends of Hanauma Bay members. The focus
this time was on cleaning the far end of the beach, and it is amazing
that the volunteers managed to remove all the big marine debris
(including net tangles) plus the micro plastics! We are so grateful to
the groups who joined us from various Lions Clubs, the US Navy, SSA
(staff of the Hanauma Bay and Honolulu Zoo gift shops, plus some of
their corporate staff), members of the Wipeout Crew, several fishing
clubs, and families & individuals.

The full data summary is shown below, but the top items are no surprise:
750 food wrappers / containers
157 cigarette butts
250 plastic bags
520 plastic caps and lids

The estimated weight removed was ~485 pounds, but it was hard to
estimate the weight of the fishing nets.

The gift shop staff also removed invasive weeds behind the beach kiosk
and the showers, and learnt about some of our native plants. Thank you
all for helping to care for our nature preserve!

We posted a few photos on Facebook, please like our page to view the
entire photo album, or CLICK HERE.

Our next cleanup is scheduled for September 7, 2019.